THREE years ago, my husband and I were sitting on the couch after both working long days and I told him that I wanted to be a photographer. I knew I wasn’t happy in my corporate 9-5 job and I needed a change. I mean sure, I loved the people I worked with, but I did not love the work I was doing. It wasn’t until after my own wedding that I finally got up the courage to make a change!
Later that week I sat in my kitchen, on my laptop, with a camera in my shopping cart on Target’s website. I remember thinking how glad I was that it was on sale. Nick and I were cooking dinner going back and forth about the pros and cons of it all. Truth be told, he was in full support from the beginning and I was the one on the fence. I’ve always been practical when it comes to big purchases. All I could think was, “What if I spend hundreds on this camera and fall on my face? What if I booked nothing? What if people thought I was a joke? Or even worse, a fraud? Who was I to charge money in exchange for taking photos? I had never even taken a class on photography. How would people react to this big change that I was going to try to make?”
Next thing I knew, I was stirring the noodles and Nick said, “It will be ready for pick up in one hour.” I said, “WHAT??” He pushed me to take the leap and do my best no matter what people said and no matter what happened in the end. I remember him saying, “At the very least we will have a nice camera to take pictures of our dog and someday our kids.” Which was exactly what I needed in that moment. I needed to know that it was okay if I failed and that purchasing that camera wasn’t going to be a “waste.”
I sit here now having photographed over 45 weddings since I first started this business. I have made some amazing new relationships and have found my dream job. Not only that, I have made this my full-time gig! I learned that nothing is ever a “waste” – whether you succeed or fail you’re meant to do that, and you’re meant to learn from it. I have learned that photographing couples in love is a big passion of mine! I just needed that push or in this case someone else to click purchase for me!
Whether you’ve just started your entrepreneurial journey or you’re in the thick of it, I’m cheering you on! I know the doubts, fears, and joys of it all and trust me when I say that it is so worth it!
Much love,

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